
america needs its own emoji

The New York Times

For Americans, it’s not always easy to express through Emojis because they’re designed by Japanese to fit the Japanese culture. Quintessentially American icons such as bacon, truck and bbq are missing.

Art Director: Aviva Michaelov

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the rise of anti-capitalism

The New York Times

Article on the revolution of people changing the world through technology.

Art Director: Erich Nagler

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Dead Wall Street Bull

Condé Nast Portfolio

Article: Michael Lewis
Art Direction: Grace Lee

Homeland Insecurity


Cover for Time magazine focusing on the debate following the Boston bombing, of how much privacy should American people give up for security.

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The American Wanderer

New York Times, Week in Review

Article: Michael Powell
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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falling man

The New York Times, Sunday Book Review

Article: Frank Rich
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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brazil, rich and fat

Time Magazine

Rejected Illustration for Time Magazine

pick your cupid

The New York Times, Op-Art

Valentine’s Day Special
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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The Internet Can’t Be Stopped

Webby Awards

Submitted by Facebook


The New York Times, Sunday Book Review

Article: Farhad Manjoo
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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The First Church of Robotics

The New York Times, Op-Ed

Article: Jason Lanier
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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tv women rule the world


Article about how leading female actresses in TV shows about politics in Washington are breaking the glass ceiling and ruling the world.

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Plan B

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article: David Segal
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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Found in Translation

The New York Times, Op-Ed

Article: Michael Cunningham
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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The Genius of Jobs

The New York Times, Op-Ed

Article: Walter Isaacson
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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XBox kinnect

GQ Germany

Art Direction: Jana Meier

in gold we trust

The New York Times, Sunday Opinion


cutting loose

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article: Frank Bruni
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman
Photo: Daniel Root

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"Hamilton" and the Republican Hopefuls

The New York Times

The irony of parallels between the musical “Hamilton” and the Republican presidential campaign.

Alexandra Zsigmond

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Why We Fight and Can We Stop?

The Atlantic

A recent wave of research suggests that our moral impulses have a firm biological foundation. But if we’re indeed “naturally moral,” why is there so much strife?

Article: Robert Wright
Art Direction: Elisa Glass

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Who Has The Guts For Gluten?

The New York Times, Sunday Review

Article: Moises Velasque-Manoff
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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The New York Times Best Books of 2009

The New York Times, Book Review

Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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The New York Times Best Books of 2006

The New York Times, Book Review

Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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Fast Company

Art Direction: Jana Meier


The Hard Sell

The New York Times

The NY Times article about how politicians increasingly use the marketing strategies used by the advertising agencies to persuade their voters.

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The World Without Us

The New York Times, Book Review

Article: Jennifer Shuessler
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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What Drives Success?

The New York Times, Sunday Review

Essay by Amy Chua (aka Tiger Mom) and her husband on why they believe certain ethnic groups are more successful than the rest, due to their “superiority complex, impulse control and sense of inferiority.”

Art Director: Aviva Michaelov

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The Unpleasant Truth

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article on how Americans can’t handle simple truth-telling from their presidential candidates, if the truth is not pleasant.

Article: Scott Shane
Art Direction: Erick Nagler

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New Washington Monument

“Forecast” Book

Photo illustration for “Forecast” book by Nicholas Blechman. The US has become increasingly evangelical in the recent history. This trend has a deep impact on the Washington politicians who often champion their Christian convictions to lure the voters. This proposal for the new Washington Monument reflects the new Christian nation that the US has become.

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Vasectomy Explained for Simple Man

GQ Germany

Art Direction: Jana Meier

The Red Line

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article by Daniel Byman
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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Perplexed Opinions on Obama

The New York Times

Opinions on perplexed Obama voters.

Art Direction: Alexandra Zsigmond

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It Died for Us

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article: Frank Bruni
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman
Photo: Daniel Root

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The New York Times, Book Review

Article: Evgeny Morozov
Art Direction: Timothy Goodman

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Happy New Fear

The New York Times, Op-Ed

Article: Dennis Dutton
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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Looted Art in Museums

Condé Nast

The author discusses the complex crisis involving looted antiquities in the museums around the world. Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine.

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You’re here. And…

Rejected illustration the New York Times

flame out

Boston Magazine

Story behind the failed bid to bring the Olympics to Boston.

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Catholic Vote

Condé Nast

The author argues that without support from Catholics, the Democrats won’t win the presidency. Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine

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The Rise and Fall of Prince Bandar

Condé Nast

Book on the rise and fall of Saudi’s prince Bandar who was an influential figure in the American politics throughout the 90′s. His image and relationship with the American politicians quickly tarnished after 9/11. Condé Nast Portfolio Magazine.

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too big to fail

The New York Times, Sunday Book Review

Article: Paul Barrett
Art Direction: Nicholas Blechman

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jesus and constitution

The New York Times

Art Direction: Gail Bichler


red cross dilemma

The New York Times, Week in Review

Article: Stephanie Strom
Art Direction: Joon Mo Kang

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chosen, but not special

The New York Times, Op-Ed

Article: Michael Chabon
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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new year’s resolution

The New York Times, Sunday Review

Article: John Tierny
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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Crash-testing the Economy

Condé Nast

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In Praise of not knowing

The New York Times, Sunday Opinion

Article: Tim Kreider
Art Direction: Aviva Michaelov

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The New York Times, On Language

Article: Ben Zimmer
Art Direction: Robert Vargas

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twitter recipe

The New York Times, Cover of Dining Section

Article about how people are twitting entire food recipes (in 140 characters or less)

Article by Lawrence Downes
Art Direction: Nicki Kalish

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